Thursday, January 29, 2015

Daily Affirmation-I Do Enough I Have Enough I Am Enough

Right now I am participating in a challenge to become more healthy physically and spiritually. One of the "assignments" is to write your some affirmations down and repeat them to yourself daily. This is my affirmation. It sums up everything I want to be!

I made these to hang up around my house and wanted to share with my readers. They were created as a 5x7 size. Just right click and save. What one is your favorite?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Meal Planning Printable

Hi there!
I've been planning my meals out and have been looking for something I can put on my fridge to remind me of what I've planned out for the week. I finally decided to make one! I put a little reminder on there to love yourself. I've been trying to make healthier choices and lose the baby weight from my 2nd baby. Some days it seems really hard to love myself. I think it's important for us to do that so we don't get discouraged.  Feel free to use for your fridge. Just right click, save & print!