Saturday, September 28, 2013

Free Bunco Printable

I love a cute bunco score sheet.
If you haven't played Bunco before, you must try it! I just love it cause it's a good night with the girls. Whenever we play we usually end up making copies of the same old sheet that seems to be worn out. I thought I would make my own, and cuter :)

Feel free to print it out and use it for your own bunco group!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Halloween Subway Art

Halloween is my husband's favorite holiday! I've grown to love it just as much. Every year we created a tradition. I make HOMEMADE PIZZA and SUGAR COOKIES and we sit on our front porch and pass out full size candy bars to the trick or treaters! Now that we have our own little one, I'm sure will add some trick or treating to it as well.

I made this Halloween subway art freebie with all of these fun and different fonts! I like mine with graphics so I used some that suited the words well. Feel free to send it to your favorite print center, or print it yourself. I created it as an 8x10 :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Why We Keep the Sabbath Day Holy

I got to teach my beehives this week on why we keep the Sabbath day holy. I used the format of the lesson found HERE. I also like to use object lessons whenever I can. I feel that they engage the girls and help them remember things. I was searching and searching and found some good ideas. They were all messy, required lots of prep on my time, or just didn't seem to fit right. Until... I came across THIS lesson.
It focuses on how our minds and bodies need rest, so does our spirituality. We can focus and prepare for the week better when we have "fed" and "rested" our spirits by keeping the Sabbath day holy.

Here is a handout I made to go along with it. I had the girls fill out the activities they will do on the Sabbath day.

 Feel free to print and share!

You can either print it double sided.. or just print one of each and then cut and glue/tape them to each other.

Young Women Values

I was recently called to serve in the young women organization in my church. In the LDS church, we "strive to live values". I decided to create this handout to give to the new young women entering in, along with the other items they will be give (personal progress etc.). I wanted to add the meaning of the young women values to the girls because they probably have no idea what most of them mean. Giving them a brief meaning will allow them to know what they are striving to be like.
I printed these and attached them to some skittles (the big bag) since the skittles have all the colors except for white and gold.
Feel free to print and share!